Roasted Guar Korma is a great protein source for animals.
It comes from the germ part of guar seeds and is entirely natural. It contains the essential amino acids, providing high energy and protein, making it a highly sought-after supplement for animal feed.
To make roasted Guar Korma, it undergoes a heating and steaming process. This helps remove harmful trypsin inhibitor from the Guar Korma, which, in turn, improves the amino acid profile and protein ratio in the final product.
During this process, the gummy substance in Guar Korma is reduced, and the cell walls are broken down. As a result, Guar Korma becomes much easier to digest. It becomes a preferred source of protein for animals like Ruminants (cows, sheep, etc.), Poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.), Aquaculture (fish), and Swine (pigs). This is because it is now free from any substances that could interfere with their nutrition.



Roasted Guar Korma is a fantastic product that contains lots of protein and energy, along with a good mix of amino acids. It’s becoming increasingly important in the feed industry. Using Roasted Guar Korma in animal feed can lower costs because it serves as a more affordable alternative to other expensive protein sources like soya and groundnut.
This product is commonly given to milking animals to increase their milk production and the fat content in the milk. It’s a more economical option compared to soybean meal, so it’s often used as a substitute for soybean meal in animal feed.